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Pregnancy & Postnatal
Exercise Specialist
Labour & Birth Prep Program
~for better birth outcomes~
Our online Labour and Birth Preparation program offers an easy to follow, seven day information and exercise program that will educate and prepare you for a positive birth experience empowering you to confidently welcome your little one into the world.
💖 Are you Pregnant? >>> Congratulations
💖 Feeling unsure about how to prepare your body for an easier birth?
💖 Wanting to reduce the risk of needing intervention (and a subsequent longer recovery) during your labour and birth?
💖 Wanting to give your body a kick start on healing and recovery time from pregnancy and birth right now during your pregnancy?
💖 Would you prepare for a big life event such as a marathon or long tramp? (Labour and birth can be the equivalent of these big events, a huge and significant endurance event that is life change in many ways)
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I'd love to invite you to join my Birth Preparation exercises mini course.
If you would like to join the full Energised Pregnancy program which not only includes all these birth Preparation exercises, but also a full program of Pregnancy safe and energising exercise programs for a comfortable, strong and healthy Pregnancy - check in out here.
Birth Preparation exercises are an essential part of a Pregnancy during the lead up to birth, the sooner you get started the more familiar, mobile and comfortable your body will be. You will gain better pelvic mobility required to birth your baby vaginally which will help:
👉 Reduce the risk of intervention and birth injuries
👉 Improve your birth and recovery outcome
👉 And help you confidently prepare your body for the big day
Birth preparation exercises focus on reducing tension and improving mobility through stretching, strengthening, and breathing connection exercises. Practicing specific breathing exercises can help you get through labour and birth by helping to reduce pain and increase oxygen and therefore energy levels. These exercises will also help you to stay relaxed, connected and in control during labour, and can even help to reduce the length of your labour.
Taking the time to prepare for labour and birth will help to ensure the best possible outcome for both you and your baby.
Ready to connect with, prepare and energise your body for birth?
Are you ready to…
✔️ Get excited and prepared for labour and birth?
✔️ Improve your awareness and understanding of labour and birth to reduce fear and anxiety about birth?
✔️ Prepare your pelvic floor for birth and a better recovery?
✔️ Feel more comfortable, strong, mobile and connected for pregnancy, birth and beyond?
✔️ Invest in your own long term function and well being?
✔️ Discover the different levels your pelvis needs to move through during labour and birth?
Your pelvic floor muscles, contrary to popular belief, don’t need to be strong for your baby to be birthed, they actually just need to get out of the way, so they need to be able to relax and length, let me teach you how to do this right inside this program.
And your breathing…I’m sure you know can be extremely helpful not only to manage the intensity of your contractions, but using special breathing technique to push your baby out during your 'pushing phase', will reduce your chance of perineal (pelvic floor) tearing and injury too, I know you want that. I've lost count of how many new Mums I look after on the ward with perineal trauma and injury, who are extremely nervous about this first poo because of their swellin and stitches.
Investing in your preparation for birth for just a few minutes for the next seven days will have a life-long impact on your body’s fitness and function, as well as a better birth outcome for you and bubs, so lets get you energised for birth!
Hey there, I'm Jo!
I’m a postpartum nurse, pregnancy and postnatal coach and personal trainer, and a mum just like you. I have given birth to three baby girls who are now 8, 5 and 2 and oh how different each birth has been!
When I had my first I was completely focused on the birth but had no idea how to really prepare by body for birth and the Emergency Nurse in me wanted to birth at the tertiary hospital 'just incase something went wrong'. I was induced for a small baby but had a pretty quick seven hour labour sustaining a 3rd degree tear, EEK! I subsequently have long term pelvic floor problems from that birth. Same prep for my second birth, I just went with it, but naturally at the hospital again, episiotomy this time, eek again!
After my second birth, I did a lot of research to help improve my recovery, learnt A LOT about exercise for pregnancy, birth and recovery that I wish I had know earlier and subsequently did more study and became a Pregnancy and Postnatal coach to help educate, support and help improve awareness of safe and effective exercise during these seasons of our life.
For my third pregnancy....so much was different in a fantastic way, I did pregnancy safe exercise and birth prep consistently, I had less morning sickness, more energy, and I decided to prepare for birth with an online hypnobirthing program (not airy fairy, it was simply education around birth and breathing and connection exercises). This helped me to understand that labour and birth is a natural process, I prepared my body and confidence and safely and confidently birthed at our local primary birthing centre only 20 minutes after arriving and suffered no tearing, yey! I had a healthy baby and a significantly improved and easier recovery.
So now I'm bringing you a short, simple and achievable version of how to prepare for birth, understand the pelvic and full body mobility that will help you achieve an easier labour and birth, all the stuff that I wish I had known for my first two births.
As a postpartum nurse who works with women recovering from birth, I support new Mum through a lot of birth injuries, I know I'm not alone in my birth story and outcomes. Yes birth prep is talked about in antenatal classes and with your OB and/or midwife, but is it on a level that physically prepares you with simple and achievable exercises to help you labour and birth more easily?
Now I’ve made it my mission to share what I’ve learnt through my own personal experiences and working with pregnancy and postpartum women as a nurse and personal trainer. Because implementing some simple exercises can help improve birth outcomes, recovery and help you avoid long-term complications from birth.
I know it can be hard to set aside time to exercise in your busy life, but it's so important to take that time for yourself. That's why I've made this a mini course, short, concise, achievable and effective. After all, your wellbeing, birth experience and future is worth investing in!
This labour and birth prep exercise mini course teaches you simple and effective exercises you need to know and do to prepare your body for an easier and better labour and birth experience
When you join my program, you’ll get:
⭐️ Introduction to the course and the three levels of pelvic mobility needed to birth your baby
⭐️ Two breathing techniques to practice and use during stage one and two of labour plus mobility to help improve your breathing (trust me you'll love this, it feels amazing!)
⭐️ Pelvic floor relaxation guide and exercises
⭐️ Inlet (top of the pelvis) opening exercises to help you baby engage into your pelvis effectively
⭐️ Midpelvis opening and mobilising exercises to help your baby rotate through your pelvis
⭐️ Outlet (the bottom of your pelvis) opening exercises (then you'll meet your baby)
⭐️ Bonus resources and postnatal recovery introduction and discount
Ready to start get prepped for birth and beyond?
Here's what a few postpartum mums have to say about the birth prep program...
Jo's birth prep sessions and exercises were a game changer, highly recommend her.
All those exercises I did have definitely given me a kickstart to recovery.
I found the breathing techniques really helpful to get me through contractions
They should teach this stuff in antenatal classes, it really does help with understanding the birth process and improve body and pelvic floor awareness
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s included in the program? The program includes seven days of short, concise steps providing you with simple and effective information and exercises that you can start practicing to prepare your body for birth to help you enjoy a smooth labour and birth. You will also receive access to the support group where we will support you with any questions you might have about exercises during pregnancy, to prepare for birth and postnatal recovery.
How do I access the exercises? Once you purchase the program, you’ll get a login which you can use to access the online platform on the Fit by Wix app or on a desktop via our website.
When can I get started on this program? You can get started straight away, getting a good headstart on preparing your mind with basic knowledge and your body with relevant exercises will help you feel confident about your pending labour and birth. Even if you are early in your pregnancy, start now, practicing these exercises regularly will also help maintain or even improve your core and pelvic floor function throughout your pregnancy. Just doing pelvic floor exercises is not enough!
I'm planning a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section), is this course suitable? Absolutely, infact I highly recommend it. You would also benefit from some c-section scar massage too, I currently don't have that included, get in touch with me and I'll send you some info!
What equipment do I need? You don't need any specific equipment, you can use common household items such as chairs, kitchen bench, cushions, filled up drink bottles and tinned foods.
What if I have more questions before I sign up? I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about the program! Get in touch with me here.
This birth preparation program is valued at over $150!
But I want to make this accessible for everyone. That’s why my Birth Preparation exercise mini course gives you nine months of access for just $69.95 - that's less than $10/day!
And when you sign up now, you also get access to these exclusive bonuses:
🌟 Postnatal Recovery Nutrition Guide (valued at $97)
🌟 Early Postnatal Recovery guide (valued at $97)
🌟 An introduction to breastfeeding guide (valued at $69)
🌟 Access to a special discount code to kickstart your recovery with the Online Re-energised Postnatal Recovery Program (Usually valued at $179.95)
When you join this mini-course, you’re getting so much more than just an exercise plan. You’re getting access to the information your deserve to know to confidently have the best birthing experience possible, you'll go into it knowing you've done your best to prepare your body for one of the most important events of your life, one that may have a significant impact on your future functioning.
Ready to get Energised for Labour and Birth...
Ready to take the first step in your preparation for birth?
For only $69.95 you get:
✔️ Six months of UNLIMITED ACCESS Birth Prep exercises mini course
✔️ Guidance on breathing and pelvic floor exercises for better birth outcomes
✔️ Guidance on exercises to prepare and mobilise your pelvis in ways that will improve your labour, birth and even your comfort and function throughout the rest of your pregnancy
✔️ Bonus resources to support you during your birth and postnatal recovery including breastfeeding education
What are you waiting for? Get started now to confidently prepare for labour, birth and to kickstart your recovery!
Birth Prep Program
Mind-body connection with the mobility, breathing & pelvic floor prep needed for an easier birth
Valid for 9 months
Breathing techniques for labour and pushing
Key exercises to improve your pelvic mobility for birth
Pelvic floor essentials for relaxation and release
Tools for support and management of labour intensity & pain
Bonus postnatal recovery kickstart resources
Disclaimer: I recommend you check in with your healthcare provider prior to starting this exercise program. You might also like to consult with a Women's Physiotherapist to discuss your core and pelvic floor function and prep for birth.