Pregnancy brings about numerous changes to your body and simply pushing through with exercise that you have always done may be risky in terms of the risk of causing injury or long term strain on your core or pelvic floor if you’re not sure how to safely and effectively exercise to target but protect your deep core muscle system.
During pregnancy your body changes in the following ways, just to name a few:
Increased blood volume
Increased fluid
Increased hormones, relaxin is one you’ll want to be particularly cautious of in regards to exercise. You need it to allow your body to adapt to grow your baby and push your baby out but it also puts you at risk of injury as your muscles and ligament might not be quite so stable as you’re used to.
Changes in posture
A growing and very stretched core muscle system
A lot of pressure changes in your core and heaviness pressing down on your pelvic floor muscles, possibly causing you some unwanted symptoms.
And more…
So with this in mind, here’s a bit of a guide on what considerations to take with your pregnancy exercise as you progress through your trimesters to ensure you remain strong, fit, comfortable and functional right up until your baby is born.
It is recommended that pregnant ladies perform moderate intensity exercise approximately 4-7 days per week for 20-30 minutes for optimal health and wellness benefits.
Pregnancy exercises you should be doing:
Targeted strength training for your core, upper back, glutes and legs…your whole body as a matter of fact.
Endurance training to help you prepare for the endurance that labour and birth requires.
Deep core and pelvic floor exercises
Mobility moves to un-wind tensions, aches and pains that might arise from the changes your body is experiencing.
Breathing, mind, body connection exercises and more!
Exercises to avoid during Pregnancy:
Pregnancy is not the time to take up a new sport
Avoid overheating by keeping your intensity to maximum of 7-8/10
Contact sports
Take caution in sports from around trimester two where there is a lot of impact placed on your body such as those that include a lot of running, changing direction, and jumping, listen to your body!
No holding your breath, this can alter your blood pressure and also place increased pressure on your core and pelvic floor
Exercise on your back with caution from about 18 weeks onwards, the weight of your growing bump can restrict blood circulation
When you must stop exercising IMMEDIATELY
(and call your midwife/Dr) these are warning signs you must be aware of and not ignore:
Chest pain
Unexplained shortness of breath
New or worsened nausea/vomiting
Dizziness or headache
Reduced movement of your baby
Vaginal bleeding
Calf pain, swelling or redness
Sudden swelling of the ankles, hands or face
Muscle weakness
As you navigate your pregnancy, remember that safe and effective exercise is key to a healthy experience. Consider modifying your pregnancy exercise routine to target not only a comfortable and strong pregnancy but to prepare for a smoother labour and birth followed by an easy and quicker recovery. Embrace targeted movement, listen to your body, and seek support when needed, I'm just a message or email away and here to help you.
Ready to take the next step? Our online seven day Labour and birth prep exercise program guides you through what you need to be doing leading up to birth, ensuring you stay strong but flexible to navigate the demands of a smooth and easier labour and delivery of your precious baby. Join me and empower yourself for a better birth experience. Sign up today!